What was the immediate cause of WWI?
A. Civil War
B. France wanting revenge
C. Militarism
D. Nationalism
E. Competition for prestige, in industry, and over territory
F. Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
G. All of the Above
Answer: F
What were conditions during WWI?
A. lots of causalities
B. trench warfare
C. lots of soldiers coming back with Shell shock
D. all of the above
Answer: D
What type of technology was used in WWI?
A. Submarines ( U-boat)
B. Poison Gas
C. Tanks
D. machine guns
E. airplanes
F. long range artillery and shrapnel
G. steam ships and railroads
H. All of the Above
Answer: All of the Above
What happened at the Battle of Tannenberg?
A. between Russia and Germany
B Germany won
C. Both A and B
Answer: C
What happened at the Battle of the Marne?
A. Britain & France v. Germany
B. takes place at the river Marne in Paris
C. results in a stalemate
D. it is where the Schlieffen plan was to take place
E. Britain and France win
F. all of the above
Answer: F
What happens at the Battle of Caporetto?
A. Austria Hungary & Germany v. Italy
B. Central Powers won
C. allies had to step into help Italy who were being forced backward
D. this took place in a part of Austria- Hungary where Italian ppl lived there
E. Italy was trying to gain control over that part of land
F. All of the above
Answer: F
Gallipoli Campaign
A. lasted 10 months in Turkey
B. Ottoman Turks seized the Dardanelles ( a strait that got supplies to Russia)
C. Allies sent ANZAC to go fight
D. the troops had to fight uphill
E. all of the above
Answer: E
Why did the US enter WWI?
A. because the Germans were participating in Unrestricted U-boat warfare
B. Zimmermann telegram
C. close ties with the Allies
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Versailles Treaty forced...
A. Germany to take blame for causing the war
B. Germany to pay 32 million in reparations
C. Germany to give up all its colonies and some land
D. Germany to demilitarize
E. it also was a reason WWII started
F. all of the above
Answer: F
Before WWI and the Russian Revolution Russia ...
A. still practiced serfdom
B. was under Absolutism
C. were behind in the industrial revolution
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Who was Tsar Nicholas II and what did people lose faith in him?
A. emperor over Russia
B. many losses from the war
C. bread and supply shortages
D. used the secret police to impose will
E. left his wife in charge with a crazy man, while he left to fight the war
F. all of the above
Answer: F
Why did Tsar Nicholas abdicate in 1917 after the First Revolution?
A. workers were going on strike causing economy to collapse
B. Russian soldiers were going AWOL
C. Russian police officers weren't following orders to shoot protesting civilians
D. his actions during the war and before the war
E. all of the above
Answer: E
What are Karl Marx's principles of Communism?
A. no private property
B. everyone's economically equally
C. state over the individual
D. changing the system requires an uprising from the Proletariat who will create an all powerful state E. cooperation & not competition
F. all of the above
Answer: F
Provisional Government
A. tries to draft a new constitution tocreate a Russian Republic
B. temporary government housed by the Russian duma, or legislature
C. made the mistake of continuing to fight in the war
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Vladimir I.Lenin
A. hated the government from a young age as his brother was killed by them
B. spread the ideas of Karl Marx and Communism
C. the head of creating the USSR and the Second Revolution
D. signed a peace treaty w/ Germany ( the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk)
E. began a civil war in Russia
F. All of the above
Answer: F
Civil War of 1918-21
A. Reds(communists) v. Whites ( against Bolshevicks or against communisim)
B. Allies supported the Whites
C. Reds won
D. resulted in famine and with Russia being on the brink of economic collapse
E. all of the above
What was War Communism? Why was it implemented?
A. all supplies and food made went to soldiers
B.forced peasants to go to the military or work in factories
C. Trotsky had commissars watch over the army and teach communism
D. Cheka~ secret police used to make sure no one was for the counterrevolution
E. all of the above
Answer: E
What was the New Economic Policy?
A. formed under the Union Soviet Socialist Republic( soviet union)
B. absolute oligarchy
C. Capitalism
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Josef Stalin ruled the USSR as a(n)
A. oligarchy
B. monarchy
C. totalitarian state
D democratic republic
Answer: C
The Five Year Plan consisted of.....
A. making Russia an industrialized country quickly
B. making ppl work for long hours for little to pay, they had to meet there quotas of sent to the Gulag
C. all of the above
Answer: C
" Collectivization of agriculture " consisted of...
A. government seized all farmland
B. everyone worked for the government
C. farmers worked on land or are moved to factories
D. some unhappy farmers, who's land got stolen, and refused to work got sent to the GULAG
E. in the early years of this caused many food shortages and ppl starving to death
F. all of the above
Answer: F
What is the GULAG?
A. prison camp located in the middle of nowhere
B. a police station
C. a famous Russian soup
D. a place where workers go to harvest crops
Answer: A